Our Crusaders

The Crusader group of Corner Brook East,
They really are the most.
A finer group you ne'er could teach;
I say this not to boast.

For they love the Lord;
Yes they love the Lord,
And battles they'll win, against all sin,
Because they love the Lord.

And when they meet together in camp,
They really have much to say.
They'll make you laugh until you cramp,
If you let them have their way.

The Crusaders are a wriggly group,
They drive their leaders mad.
And every leader in the troop
Goes hoarse when they are bad.


* This was written in 1969 for rmy second Crusader camp.
It's written to the tune of one of their most favorite chorus " Gideon Had the Lord."
I sang it and they really loved it.

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