Asea With God

Oh I wish I'd been with Noah in that ark so long ago,
When floods destroyed all people who to God turned hearts so cold,
When he sailed with all those creatures, two of every bird and bee,
And God showed such wondrous power over every stormy sea.

They were sailing in God's safety;
Safe was vessel from the rough sea;
Wind and waters could not conquer;
They were trusting God to be their guide.

What a thrill to be with Peter in his ship on Galilee,
When Jesus came awalking to them on the stormy sea
Then Peter walked there with Him though the waves were dark and deep
And he did not sink as long as eyes on Jesus He did keep.

Now we too can sail with Jesus through life's trials large and small
As we journey o'er life's pathway, let Him be our all in all
With Christ piloting our vessels we can never go astray,
For He never will forsake us, He'll be with us all the way.

Linda Leslie

* This was written in October or November of 1969.
It is chiefly about ships and voyages.
There are many in the bible but only a few are mentioned.
Life too can be metaphored as a voyage.
We too need a captain to direct our paths.
It's simple yet the truth of it is for all ages.
The tune is "I Love To Walk With Jesus."

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